
A Simple Favor : เพื่อนหาย อย่าหา

A Simple Favor : เพื่อนหาย อย่าหา
เรื่องย่อ : A Simple Favor : เพื่อนหาย อย่าหา

Stephanie was known in her community as a loving and dedicated mother, as well as a successful vlogger who shared her life and parenting tips with her large following. She was always willing to lend a helping hand to other parents and was well-liked by many. One day, Stephanie met Emily, a mysterious and enigmatic woman who seemed to live a glamorous and luxurious lifestyle. Their sons, Nicky and Miles, attended the same prestigious school, and they quickly struck up a friendship. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, the two women found common ground in their love for their children and quickly became close friends. However, their friendship took an unexpected turn when Emily asked Stephanie to pick up Nicky from school one day and then suddenly disappeared without a trace. Concerned for her friend and the well-being of Nicky, Stephanie took it upon herself to unravel the mystery behind Emily's sudden disappearance. As Stephanie delved deeper into Emily's past, she uncovered a web of secrets and lies that shrouded her friend's life. It became apparent that Emily was not who she appeared to be, and her true identity and motives remained elusive. Determined to uncover the truth and find her friend, Stephanie embarked on a thrilling and perilous journey. Along the way, she faced numerous challenges and dangers, but her unwavering determination and courage never wavered. As the investigation unfolded, Stephanie discovered the shocking truth about Emily's past and the dark secrets that she had been hiding. Despite the risks and obstacles, Stephanie remained steadfast in her quest for justice and closure. In the end, Stephanie's relentless pursuit of the truth not only led her to unravel the mystery behind Emily's disappearance but also brought her closer to her own son, Miles. Through this harrowing experience, Stephanie emerged as a stronger and more resilient woman, proving that a mother's love knows no bounds.

IMDB : tt7040874

คะแนน : 8

This article is about the plot of a movie or book, but it lacks a critical analysis or personal opinion. It simply summarizes the storyline without providing any insight or evaluation. It would be more helpful if the review delved into the themes, character development, and overall quality of the story. Additionally, it would benefit from discussing the performances of the actors and the direction of the film. Overall, this review is lacking in depth and does not offer much value to the reader.