

เรื่องย่อ : Land

After experiencing a devastating and inexplicable tragedy, Edee is left feeling disconnected from the world around her. Unable to cope with her grief and the overwhelming emotions that consume her, she makes the bold decision to escape to the untamed wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. In this isolated and rugged terrain, Edee seeks solace and a reprieve from the pain that weighs heavily on her heart. But the unforgiving landscape presents its own set of challenges, and Edee soon finds herself on the brink of death. It is a local hunter who stumbles upon her fragile and ailing state, and through his kindness and empathy, he brings her back from the edge of despair. As Edee begins to heal physically, she is faced with the daunting task of learning how to live again, how to reconnect with the world and find a new sense of purpose. Through the guidance and support of the hunter, Edee slowly rediscovers her will to survive and to embrace life once more. Together, they navigate the harsh realities of the wilderness and the healing power of nature, as Edee begins to find a renewed sense of hope and resilience within herself. In this journey of self-discovery and transformation, Edee learns to let go of the pain that has consumed her and opens herself up to the beauty and intricacies of the natural world. It is through this newfound connection to the wilds of the Rockies that Edee is able to find healing and a way to live again, despite the unfathomable event that once shattered her world.

IMDB : tt10265034

คะแนน : 7

Edee, the protagonist of this story, is a woman who has experienced a devastating event that has left her feeling disconnected from the world around her. In an attempt to escape from this overwhelming sense of loss and uncertainty, she isolates herself in the rugged and untamed wilderness of the Rockies. The setting of the Rockies serves as a powerful metaphor for Edee's internal turmoil. The harsh and unforgiving environment reflects the challenges she faces as she tries to come to terms with her past and find a way to move forward. It also highlights the resilience and strength that she will need in order to survive and thrive in such a harsh landscape. Edee's encounter with a local hunter, who saves her from the brink of death, becomes a turning point in the story. This event forces her to confront the reality of her situation and to find a way to reconnect with the world and with herself. It is through this connection with another human being that Edee begins to find a path towards healing and redemption. The themes of survival, resilience, and the healing power of human connection are central to this story. Edee's journey is a powerful exploration of the human spirit and the capacity for growth and transformation, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Overall, this is a compelling and thought-provoking story that will resonate with readers on a deep and emotional level. The beautiful and unforgiving wilderness of the Rockies serves as a stunning backdrop for Edee's journey of self-discovery and healing. Through her experiences, we are reminded of the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative power of human connection.