The Devil’s Double (2011) is a gripping and intense true story of Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper), who is summoned to the palace of Saddam Hussein to receive an offer he can't refuse. He is to become the body double of Uday Hussein, Saddam's son, and if he refuses, his family will be killed.
Latif reluctantly accepts the offer and undergoes extensive training to become Uday's double. He is forced to undergo plastic surgery to resemble Uday even more closely and is thrust into a life of luxury and excess, but also danger and brutality.
As Latif struggles to maintain his sanity and dignity in the midst of Uday's violent and erratic behavior, he becomes increasingly disillusioned with the regime he serves. He witnesses and is forced to participate in Uday's heinous acts, including rape, torture, and murder.
The Devil’s Double is a harrowing and shocking portrayal of the inner workings of the Hussein regime and the horrors that Latif endured as Uday's double. It is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the brutality and corruption of Saddam Hussein's regime, and the human cost of living under such a dictatorship.
IMDB : tt1270262
คะแนน : 4
The Devil’s Double (2011) is a gripping and intense film based on the true story of Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper) who is summoned to the palace of Saddam Hussein to receive an offer he can’t refuse. He is to become the body double of Uday Hussein, Saddam’s son, and if he refuses, his entire family will be killed. The movie delves into the harrowing and dangerous life that Latif leads as he is forced to live as Uday’s double, constantly in fear for his life. The film is a thrilling and chilling portrayal of the horrors of living under a brutal dictatorship, and Dominic Cooper’s performance is truly captivating.